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Huge Quality of Life Update!
Login Page
- New Look: We have a new look! Quickly click “System Status” to view new features.
- System Status: To quickly review any issues or updates with Rocket, you can click on “System Status” on the login page or visit
Repairs → Manage Tickets
- Optimization: The search box is automatically selected when clicking “Create Ticket” to reduce the amount of clicks.
Repairs → Manage Parts
- Parts QTY: You can now adjust quantities for parts for each specific Building, as well as mass edit quantities for all of your parts at the same time
Devices/Users → Manage Users
- User Email: Added “User Email Address” field (optional)
Devices/Users → Manage Devices
- Delete Decommission Devices: To decommission, select the checkbox of devices and change their status to Decommissioned.
- You can also do this through a custom import by making a file of all devices you want to decommission, and then a second column with any value to denote disabling the device. Then, in the custom import, select “Device Status” for the second column and copy the value you used into the Decommission box.
Support Tickets → Technology/Maintenance
- Change to Assigned Ticket Highlight: Highlight changed from Yellow to Blue for better visibility.
Configurations → Buildings
- Delete: Added the ability to delete “Buildings”
- Addresses: You now have the option to add an address to each building. This feature can be used to track returning devices to a specific building instead of being locked to the main address within Rocket. The Main Address will be used if no address is set for the buildings.
Configurations → Staff Members
- Profile Picture: Staff members can now upload their profile pictures by clicking on the image in the top-right corner. This was previously restricted to a randomly generated avatar.
- Rocket Account Name vs FedEx Shipment Company Name: The Rocket account name is now separate from Fedex Company Name (which has a character limit). The settings look a bit different because of this, but this has helped create more separation between regular settings and shipping info.
- FedEx Phone Number: The phone number field for shipping now has data validation to only allow for numbers.
Helpdesk Update Follow Up
Support Tickets
- Assigned Tickets: Tickets assigned to the person who is currently logged in will be highlighted yellow
- Quick Add Help Desk Tickets: Staff members can now create their own tickets using a “Quick Add” button to quickly create tickets that they need to work on, but that staff member can also choose who to assign that ticket to, bypassing the automatic assignments for that particular category type
- Edit Access for Unassigned Tickets: Staff members who aren’t admins cannot edit tickets they aren’t assigned to, though they can still change the ticket assignment if necessary. This way they don’t accidentally edit or close out others’ tickets, but can work on them if they need to.
- “Assigned To” Filter: Added a new filter for “Assigned To” to filter out tickets to only an individual or user group to help see specific tickets. This helps if a certain staff member is out and someone else is filling in for them.
Huge Helpdesk Update!
Support Tickets
- Open Tickets Report: New report for all open helpdesk tickets, organized by date created and grouped by building
- Editable Ticket to Building Assignments: Ticket assignments are now editable and able to be deleted
- Default Building and Date fields: Building and Date Created have been added as default columns for helpdesk tickets
- “Title” field changed to “Subject”: “Title” in ticket form changed to “Subject” to stop confusion around entering their job title and instead adding the subject line for the ticket
- Assigned Tickets Organization: Tickets assigned to logged in user are now organized to the top of the ticket list
- Optional Room Number: Room number is optional and doesn’t create new rooms when using the “Other” option
- No more extra buildings from “Other” selection: “Other” selection for Building also does not create new buildings anymore
- Accurate, Configurable Time Zone: Timestamps should now be accurate to the local time zone, and can be changed in Settings.
- New Help Desk Import: There is now a helpdesk import for Categories, Subcategories, and Issue Types. This is for creating new selections quickly for schools that are getting started with helpdesk, though the helpdesk types they want will have to be in the system first (to prevent mass creation of custom helpdesk types)
Parental Coverage QoL
Parental Coverage
- Approvals Organization: All parental coverage purchases that need approval will gravitate to the top of the list for easier access
- Contact Us: A new contact us link has been added to the parental coverage purchase email to hopefully direct communication to the schools rather than K12Tech
- Parental Coverage Role: User roles updated and fixed. Added new “Parental Coverage” role that can see Manage Users and Parental Coverage section for use of staff approving parental coverage purchases and user information
Parental Coverage QoL
Parental Coverage
- Stripe Connection: Adjusted Rocket connection to Stripe to allow for better processing of data between the two systems
Ticket Number Change
Repairs → Manage Tickets
- Ticket Numbers instead of Ticket IDs: Changed ticket IDs to ticket numbers that go up by one for every ticket created.
Small Parental Coverage Fixes
Parental Coverage
- Email for Contact Us: Added “Email” field to Contact Us form for easier responses to parents
- Receipts: Schools can download Stripe payment receipts under “Purchases”
Notification and Email Changes
- Changed system wide notification email to [email protected] to prevent staff and parents from responding directly to [email protected]
Billing → Ticket Invoicing
- New subject line for invoices sent to parents, “(School Name) has sent you an invoice”
Devices/Users → Manage Users
- Full User Ticket History: Added a new section in the User Tickets menu that keeps a history of all tickets created for devices while they were assigned to a specific user. This ensures schools can track past tickets for a user, even after the device is reassigned.
Big Parental Coverage QoL Changes
Parental Coverage
- Student Name Column: Including Student Name in columns for easier identification
- Approval Menu: Approval menu for individual purchases allows school to update and approve each entry, mass approval still exists and will not review information
- Refunding Purchases: Purchases can be marked as refunded to not show student as covered
- Approval Organization: Approvals gravitate towards top of purchases list
- Sign Up Date Changes: Verbage for “Start” and “End” date changed to Sign Up Start and End, Coverage dates actually used and visible in other spots (defaults to start of sign up and 6/30 of following year)
- K12Tech Able to Edit Plans: Admin edit feature, to edit grades, transfer code, etc.
- Past Plans Changes: “Past” plans should be able to be edited and deleted if necessary to allow for new plans to be able to be created
- Uncovered to Covered Students: Parents that previously chose to have their students not covered can purchase coverage. Both choices will be logged in Parental Coverage History.
- Coverage Export: Export feature for exporting lists of students that have filled out sign up form, whether they purchased coverage or not
Configurations → Audits
- New Audit Tool: A new tool that allows schools to go building by building, or even room by room, and scan devices in that building or room and compare them to the information Rocket has. After all buildings/rooms have been scanned, schools will be able to view reports on missing devices, misplaced devices, devices that weren’t in Rocket, and more!
Ticket Invoicing QoL Changes
Devices/Users → Device Allocation
- User ID now searchable in Device Allocation instead of just name
Billing → Ticket Invoicing
- External Payment Link: Add an “External Payment Link” in Settings so a link can be automatically attached to all invoices generated to be directed to a school’s payment site
- Invoice Emails to Parents: Invoices can be sent to parent’s emails directly if included in user info, and an appropriate checkbox is checked
- Out with “Chargeable”, in with “Generate Invoice”: Removed the “Chargeable” process, and instead all tickets have a “Generate Invoice” button on them, regardless if they were marked as chargeable. Chargeable tickets are now highlighted green and organized to the top of the list as well
- Generate Multiple Invoices in a Row: Multiple tickets can be selected and have invoices generated one after the other with a “Generate Invoice and Next” button added after entering user and cost details and clicking “Preview”. Then, all the invoices just generated can be downloaded altogether in one PDF
- Invoices to be Marked as Paid: Invoices can be marked as paid, and get tracked on the attached user’s profile (in Manage Users or anywhere you can click on the user’s underlined name). These will show up under “User Tickets”
Configurations → Staff Members/User Groups
- Limit of 9 users per user group removed
Parental Coverage:
- Uncovered Repair Fee Selection: Added ability in settings to notate whether uncovered students will pay a flat fee to the school, or just the cost of the full repair. If trying to switch from “Full Repair” to “Flat Fee” while a plan is active, a warning will appear that the plan will go back in negotiation to discuss flat fee pricing with K12Tech
- Create Plan → Grade Selection: Added a small “X” to each grade to remove them easier
- Custom Grades: Schools can now add custom grades using the “Other” option, which will put up a text box to enter the grade name.
- This would mostly be used for any special circumstances where a student needs to buy a separate plan, if they have devices specific to a program they are in, for example.
- Coverage Only, No Accessories: Removed charger and case options for better focus on parental coverage. Charger and case purchases will go through normal channels.
- Fair Use Acknowledgement: Changed wording for parental portal fair use agreement from “Agree” and “I Do Not Agree” to “I acknowledge the Fair Use Policy”.
- Coverage Clarification: “All Casings” in graphic changed to “Device Housing” to prevent confusion with actual cases
- Uncovered Students tab: Added “Uncovered Students” tab for students that selected not to buy coverage. These students can still be approved like normal
- Parental Fields for Custom CSV Import: Parental Coverage fields added to custom user import
Small Ticket Invoicing Changes
Billing → Ticket Invoicing
- Revert Non-Invoiced Tickets: Ability to revert resolved tickets back to tickets needing invoiced, though only for non-invoiced tickets
- Download Multiple Invoices: Ability to download multiple resolved ticket invoices in one PDF
- Revert to Simple Help Desk: Added an option in Settings to revert from advanced helpdesk back to simple helpdesk
Import/Export → Custom CSV Imports
- Implemented error notifications for custom CSV imports
- Notifications detail which entries were skipped due to errors in the import process
Google Console Data Sync
Import/Export → Google Integration (Beta)
- Quick Connection: Login with Google Admin account to automatically import devices from the Google Admin console into Rocket
- Automatic Sync: Nightly automatic sync to keep up with any changes made in admin console
Parental Coverage (Beta)
- Plan Creation: Ability to create parental coverage plans through Rocket and K12Tech, for individual students to be able to buy coverage for the school year
- Covered/Uncovered Student Identification: Coverage purchases link with Rocket to show covered vs uncovered students
- Secure Payments: Secure Stripe payment portal for safe purchasing
Custom CSV Imports
Import/Export → Custom CSV Imports
- Import Versatility: Upload any CSV that contains device or user information and manually allocate certain columns to fields within Rocket
- These imports may take longer and will email you when finished
- Importing Custom Fields: You can select custom fields when assigning columns.
Help Desk System and Custom Fields!
Devices/Users → Manage Devices
- Custom Fields: Add new fields that aren’t currently in Rocket in the Manage Devices page with a button labeled “Device Fields Settings”
- Visible Everywhere: Information in fields will show up on any page with device information and be able to enable/disable column headers for these fields.
- Export Custom Fields: New fields will create new columns in the device export.
- Delectable when not Used: Fields can be deleted if no information is tied to the field. Information needs to be removed before it can be deleted.
- Temporary Manual Selection: Soon, you will be able to import these fields so the information can be updated. Currently, this is a manual task.
Support Tickets → Advanced Setup
- New System: Our new Advanced Helpdesk allows for fully custom helpdesk options, drilling down to the exact issue you have
- Help Desk Security: The advanced helpdesk continues using Google/Microsoft SSO (if selected) to make help desk submission locked to staff members only (matching account domain).
- Extend Existing Help Desk or Start Fresh: When starting to use advanced helpdesk you can choose to extend/copy existing support ticket options or start completely fresh.
- Custom Help Desk Types: New ability to add more helpdesk types to extend beyond Technology or Maintenance. The tickets created on these sections will go to their own tab labeled “Other”
- User Groups: New user groups for staff members allow tickets to be assigned to groups instead of just one (1) individual user. Click the checkbox for all staff members in a group and click the “Create Group” button
- Simple Helpdesk Still Works: A simple helpdesk still exists for any schools that like using it.
Signature, Billable Tickets, Optimizations
Repairs → Outgoing Batches (and Settings for signature option)
- “Signature” Required Shipping Option: Add a signature that will show up on the packing list (configurable in Settings)
Create Ticket (Billing → Ticket Invoicing)
- Billable Tickets: Schools can now mark a ticket as billable to the student from the create ticket screen for use with the parent/student invoice feature
Devices/Users → Manage Users
- Tab Optimization: Manage Users tab has been optimized to be faster after some changes made to user creation process
Parental Coverage, Ticket History, Repair Parts
Parental Coverage
- Edit Function: Parental Coverage edit functions working again
Import/Export → Ticket Import
- Ticket Records: Importing Closed Tickets while there are current open tickets for ticket history
Repairs → Manage Tickets → Repair Parts Menu
- Adding Parts to Ticket: Parts that you add to a ticket will no longer pop up in the search bar
Huge Speed Increase!
- Speed Improvements: Huge speed improvements site-wide through a server migration – no more speed issues!